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  • Writer's pictureSally

A spiritual map

It's Tuesday evening, the sun is setting not far from my deck above Laguna Beach and I'm reminiscing with my friend and mentor Suzanne. I'm reminded of how far I've come on my path. In mid June of 2015, I was meditating daily with Oprah + Deepak

and things were getting a little strange during my woo-woo time. When I met Suzanne, I gave her a whirlwind snapshot of my life, not really knowing what to expect.

I laid on her table and experienced my first session of Reiki. Her hands were dancing above my body when she calmly asked, "Tell me about this horse." What horse?

"The white horse. It's standing right next to us! What's his name?" His name?! Horse's don't talk!

This is how it started. I walked and there was someone there to meet me, and another guide was there right behind her to show me the way. Actually, there was someone there all along. I just wasn't aware of it.

Until I asked.

Curiosity caused me to reach out. I knew I was stumbling upon something. You know how when you are walking over floorboard and you can sense it's hollow? You stomp your foot wondering, "Huh. What's in there? What's hidden below? "

I knew I was looking for something. I just didn't know what it was. I wanted a path, a map.

I now realize this was my life purpose: to develop a compass and create a map for others to find their own way. To teach people to become their own spiritual guides.

I just needed help.


  • Where in your life are stepping onto "hidden treasure?"

  • Do you feel you are on your path or do you need guidance?

  • What do you think your life is asking of you?


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